Superduplex pipe lines assistance in Turkey

Superduplex pipe lines assistance in Turkey

  • Customer: Water treatment sector
  • Project: Superduplex pipe lines assistance in Turkey
  • Target: Repair 180 welding joint for superduplex 2507 pipe line in Turkey

A new customer requires an urgent repair to be done in Sefine Shipyard (Turkey) for more than 180 wrong weldings in the pipe lines for large filter water system.

Those wrong welding were located throughout the entire system, also NDT experts were there inspecting one by one and discovering new ones to repair.

We prepare or team and welding machines, after 72 hs we were there to start the repair jobs.

Welding process 141 TIG with gas backing.

The complete job was done in 3 weeks after we arrive there with successful results.

Where we are

Vincios, km. 8. Nave 24 Polígono industrial A pasaxe. 36316 Gondomar (Pontevedra)

+34 986 461 055

Who we are




